Firefighters Charitable Foundation
The Firefighters Charitable Foundation continues to provide assistance to those in need. Grants are given to assist local fire/disaster victims, fire prevention education, community safety programs, burn centers, burn camps, hospitals and other organizations that meet our criteria as stated in our mission.
If you or your organization applies for a grant, please be sure to describe how funding will be utilized and whether this is an ongoing or one time program and/or equipment purchase.
The following grants are available that meet specific grant requirements:
Burn Center/Hospital Program
This grant is available nationally to an organization to be used to provide neccesary treatment and purchase any equipment that would benefit your organitation to help those in need.
AED (Automatic External Defibrillator)
This grant is available nationally to an organization that would like to implement an AED program for their community. Applicants should fill out the Apply for Grants Form (see link below).
Community Smoke Detector Program
This grant is available for Volunteer Fire Departments, Safe Kids Coalitions, and other organization to assist with implementation of a smoke detector, battery replacement program in their local community. Applicants should fill out the Apply for Grants Form (see link below).
If you wish to apply for a grant please click here: Apply for Grant Form.
Note: Specify from the list above which one you are applying for in the comments area of the Grant Form.